
Gathering practical video evidence for GCSE and A-level coursework

Reading time: 2 minutes

Gathering quality practical video evidence can be the difference between your pupils achieving the grade they deserve, or the worst-case scenario of having the whole examination cohort having their marks adjusted downwards.

Here are 5 tips on how to record high-quality digital evidence and therefore reduce the need for live moderation and the potential problems associated with this.

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7 best ways to revise for PE exams

Reading time: 3 minutes

As we all know, effective revision is a key contributor to the success of any student. Before we get onto PE specific revision ideas don’t forget to remind your students of revision fundamentals:

  • Find a quiet place to revise WITHOUT distractions. No social media, no phones, no multi-tasking, no siblings demanding attention!
  • Ensure revision is always active- Students will commit significantly more to their long-term memory when producing a revision aid or personal podcast than just sitting there reading a textbook.
  • Students should focus on the topics they know least about. This is a common error!

Here are 7 effective methods of revising for PE exams:

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5 Ways to prepare for a remote or pre-recorded GCSE/ A-Level moderation

Reading time: 2 minutes

Some schools may decide that live moderation just isn’t for them. Although significantly more work is required throughout the year than it would be for a live moderation, pupils may find it easier to achieve their full potential as only performances the candidates are happy with will be submitted to the moderator.

This method of moderation is particularly popular with those students of a nervous disposition or in schools with limited facilities.

Below are 5 ways to prepare for a successful remote/ pre-recorded moderation:

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5 Ways to prepare for a live GCSE or A-level moderation day

Reading time: 3 minutes

It is that dreaded day of the year…. Moderation day! But should it be? This is THE day prior to the examination period which can have an extremely positive impact on the grades your students achieve if it is done correctly. Below are 5 ways in which you can make the day run smoothly and efficiently whilst achieving the best marks possible for your students.

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