Levelling the Playing Field: Adaptive PE Strategies for All Students

Reading time: 2 minutes

Physical Education (PE) is a vital part of a well-rounded education, promoting physical fitness, health awareness, and social skills. However, in traditional PE classes, students with varying abilities might face challenges in fully participating and enjoying the experience. This is where adaptive PE strategies come into play, creating an inclusive environment that allows every student to thrive.

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Adjustments in Physical Education for an EHCP

Reading time: 2 minutes

Physical education (PE) is an important part of a child’s education, and it is important that all children have the opportunity to participate in PE, regardless of their abilities. If a child has an education, health and care plan (EHCP), their school is required to make reasonable adjustments to PE lessons so that the child can participate fully.


· All pupils with an EHCP must have access to high-quality physical education (PE). PE is an important part of a well-rounded education and can help pupils with SEND to develop their physical skills, confidence, and self-esteem.

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5 ways that a PE teacher can make adjustments for children with vulnerabilities

Reading time: 3 minutes

There is no actual definition of a vulnerable child, but a government white paper suggests: “a child can be vulnerable to risks and poor outcomes because of individual characteristics; the impact of action or inaction by other people; and their physical and social environment”.

Below we look at 5 ways in which we can adjust for these children and help them to thrive within our P.E. lessons.

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