
How do we raise literacy standards in PE?

Reading time: 3 minutes

“Reading is the gateway to learning. It is the key to pupils’ future academic achievement and well-being. Pupils who struggle to read words accurately quickly fall behind their peers. They read less and do not accumulate the necessary background knowledge and vocabulary from reading.” – OFSTED, 2022

Literacy is arguably the most important hard skill that a child requires to be successful, both academically and in life. To support pupils in improving their literacy skills, schools ask each department to ensure that they are delivering content which supports and underpins the whole school literacy programme. In this blog, we explore strategies to raise literacy standards in PE without compromising the amount of time in which pupils are physically active.

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5 simple playground activities for Primary schools

Reading time: 3 minutes

Who said that school games had to involve tech to engage little hands? Or that outdoor tasks needed to be complex to help develop things such as coordination, inquisitively or agility?

Here we’ve put together five classic ideas for playground activities that need minimal equipment for maximum fun and skill development.

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Lifelong fitness begins at Primary school

Reading time: 2 minutesA passion for sports and fitness can and should be instilled from the earliest of ages, yet primary schools undoubtedly have a tough challenge on their hands when they’re only granted a limited number of hours to commit to PE each week.

However no mistake should be made: the role of the primary school for lifelong fitness is today more important than ever.

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Literacy and numeracy through physical education

Reading time: 3 minutes

Consciously or unconsciously, everyone who takes part in sport at whatever level will use both literacy and numeracy skills.

From PE lessons of all Key Stages, to grassroots clubs of different sports, all the way to elite level athletes and their coaches, literacy and numeracy skills are utilised to a greater or lesser degree.

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Basic Skipping

Reading time: 2 minutes

When skipping is mentioned, two things spring to mind. One is the game played by children in a playground all over the world, the other is a training exercise used by many sports including boxing and football. Both have the ability to have a positive impact on a range of sports and for those who participate in those sports.

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Rugby Skills

Reading time: 2 minutes

England is set to host the Rugby union World Cup in 2015, two years after the rugby league world cup was joint hosted by England, France, Ireland and Wales. For our country to have hosted both world cups in the different formats shows how important rugby is to our nation. Without doubt English rugby union’s greatest moment came in 2003, when England won the world cup thanks to a drop goal from Johnny Wilkinson beat Australia 20-17.

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