
How to assess students’ PE skills and progress

Reading time: 2 minutes

Assessment is an important part of any physical education (PE) program. It helps teachers to track student progress, identify areas where students need additional support, and make necessary adjustments to their instruction.

Student personal development should be a massive focus and physical education can be a driving factor in improvement.

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Different ways of assessing within GCSE PE, CNAT and A-level PE

Reading time: 3 minutes

No matter what qualification you are delivering, there are 2 main forms of assessment that need to be used in collaboration to achieve the best grades for your pupils. These will be discussed below:

Formative Assessment 

Formative assessment should be used by the teacher to plan future lessons and evaluate whether previous learning tasks have been effective. Below are 5 examples of formative assessments that have made a positive impact within the classroom setting.

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Measuring progress through effective assessment

Reading time: 3 minutes

Measuring the progress of pupils has been performed in a manner of different ways over the years.

As different governments have come into power and the Department of Education looks to develop new strategies, the approach to assessments have been modified.

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Baseline assessment for the PE curriculum

Reading time: 2 minutes

Baseline Assessment is used in education to enable teachers to monitor a pupil’s progress.

It is used when children start in primary school to assess numeracy and literacy, and it is also often used at secondary school level when pupils join the school in Year 7 if there is no data regarding prior ability.

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Assessment without Levels in Physical Education

Reading time: 4 minutes

PE Office has spoken of assessment without levels before, if we rewind to April 2014 we stated that ‘we all have to accept that level descriptors are no more and embrace the new challenge of assessment without levels…Embrace the new curriculum, because any short term pain from adapting to the new system will result in long term gain. I believe that change may prove to be a good thing for PE, provided we get it right.’

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Video Analysis in Sport

Reading time: 2 minutes

Technology has developed over the years, with video cameras being more advanced, iPads being used to analyse sport and even phones now being used to analyse performance.

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Creating Effective Lesson Plans

Reading time: 3 minutes

It goes without saying that effective planning is of the utmost importance in PE.

There are certain factors that need to be considered during the planning process; if the teacher gets these wrong, the lesson will fail to be effective and will negatively influence the students’ learning

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Literacy and numeracy through physical education

Reading time: 3 minutes

Consciously or unconsciously, everyone who takes part in sport at whatever level will use both literacy and numeracy skills.

From PE lessons of all Key Stages, to grassroots clubs of different sports, all the way to elite level athletes and their coaches, literacy and numeracy skills are utilised to a greater or lesser degree.

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Reading time: 2 minutes

In order to perform effective assessment in PE, we have to overcome specific barriers that do not arise in other subject. Firstly, it is harder to spot if the knowledge being taught has been understood and implanted by the students in a PE lesson. This differs due to technicalities of each individual sport, from the tactics, to technique, to reading of the game.

Assessing the children practically is about personal perspective, as two individuals may have contrasting ideas on how best to assess one pupil in the lesson.

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Attainment in the New National Curriculum

Reading time: 3 minutes

Attainment: the action or fact of achieving a goal towards which one has worked. The Oxford English Dictionary.

Attainment is used in an educational process to show the students the levels they are working at and towards; a student getting a C at Christmas with their target grade being a B, for example. All forms of education, from year one to degree classification, have some form of attainment level system which allows people to strive to achieve their best.

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Demonstrating Improvement in Sports

Reading time: 2 minutes

In previous blog posts we have looked into a wide range of activities to help increase participation and develop your pupils’ confidence to get involved. Although your pupils may be making some good improvement in the sports and activities they are taking part in, sometimes they may not see their development. It is beneficial to you to point it out to them, because if you don’t they may lose all interest in the sport.

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Innovative practices for teaching rounders

Reading time: 4 minutes

Teaching and learning in rounders should be exciting for everyone involved, with rapid progress through innovative practices.

I’m lucky as I work with EYFS right through to top level performers representing their country, both in schools and satellite centres. This has really helped me developing a long-term plan for teaching rounders, which aims to support all pupils to be ‘the best they can be’ by challenging them through inclusive and innovative lessons.

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Baseline Test – Tricep Dips 30secs

Reading time: < 1 minute

Split your class into pairs for this test so that they can get used to monitoring each other’s results.

Make sure that the student recording the number of dips understands that backs must be straight and arms must

The test will give a baseline measure of the students’ upper body strength and stamina.

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Baseline Test – Power: Two-footed Jump

Reading time: < 1 minute

This test is to create a baseline measurement for each pupil’s lower body strength and balance. It’s important to remember that there must be no stopping between jumps…although some wobbling might promote some good-natured mocking from the other pupils!

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Baseline Assessment

Reading time: 4 minutes

Assessment measures the breadth and depth of learning which has taken place. Used correctly, assessment can inspire, motivate and provide feedback essential for targeting corrective help to pupils.

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