
5 Ways to Improve the Well-being of PE Staff

Reading time: 2 minutes

Physical education (PE) staff play an important role in the health and well-being of children and young people. However, they can also be at risk of burnout and stress.

The Department for Education recently proposed a new plan to deliver high-quality PE and sport for all pupils. This should allow more support for teachers and students regarding their physical education.

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3 reasons why physical education benefits mental health, wellbeing and development

Reading time: 2 minutes

Physical education plays a significant role in the Mental health and well-being of children. Research published by the National Library of Medicine stated that:

“Regular physical activity promotes growth and development and has multiple benefits for physical, mental, and psychosocial health that undoubtedly contribute to learning”

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The importance of PE in the curriculum

Reading time: 3 minutes

There is no denying the importance of Physical Education to the health and wellbeing of a child. The benefits to a child of being physically active are proven and profound. In this article, we summarise the significance of PE in whole-child development.

1. Physical wellbeing

The obesity crisis in the UK is well documented, with a government action plan published in 2017 stating that almost a third of 2 to 15-year-olds are considered to be obese, and that these people are continuing to remain overweight into adulthood. This can lead to a myriad of health issues, both physical and mental. A Stay Active paper published by the Chief Medical Officers in 2011 highlights the strong evidence between younger children who are physically active having less prevalent health issues. The research suggests that pupils who are physically active at school from a young age are more likely to remain active as they get older, increasing the likelihood that they remain healthy.

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PEOffice TV: Easy PE lessons during lockdown

Reading time: 2 minutes

PEOffice has today launched PEOffice TV to enable your children to continue to complete PE lessons during lockdown.

Exercise has been a major talking point of the lockdown, with concern raised that the measures would stop people getting their recommended amount of exercise.

Keep an eye on PEOffice’s Facebook page for future videos. For this week’s PE lesson click the link below. 

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5 fun fitness drills for isolation

Reading time: 2 minutes

Keeping fit has a range of benefits which means it should not be forgotten about during isolation. By taking part in fitness drills you can strengthen your immune system, boost your mental health and feel better about yourself during frightening times.

The UK Government has stressed the need to only leave the house for essentials, or to complete one form of exercise per day.

This blog post will provide you with a range of fun fitness drills, suitable for all ages, which you can complete in your home and garden.

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How coronavirus is affecting sporting events

Reading time: 4 minutes

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said yesterday that the world is in “unchartered territory” on the coronavirus outbreak. The UK Government is today expected to announce a plan to combat the virus, including an effect on school, travel arrangements and sporting events.

Sporting events have already been affected heavily by the virus around the world. Major international events have already been cancelled, while domestic sport in a number of countries is also under threat.

But what has been done so far to stop the virus spreading through sport – and how are this summer’s events such as the Olympics and European Championships likely to be affected. This blog post explains.

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Fitness and happiness

Reading time: 3 minutes

We stand on the verge of an all-out epidemic of childhood obesity. While we know all too well of the many heath implications of our youngsters’ struggle with weight issues, the implications for their mental health are lesser known and understood.

Yet, as we’ll go on to illustrate, fitness and happiness go hand in hand…

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Body image and exercise: the link

Reading time: 2 minutes

The link between exercise and body image is complicated. It is safe to say, though, that participating in a moderate amount of exercise – the government recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week – generally improves body image.

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Can exercise help children learn?

Reading time: 2 minutes

You know that exercise is a non-negotiable in the fight against childhood obesity. You’ve probably heard the news that fit, active children go on to lead healthier, longer lives.

But are you aware of the ways in which exercise boosts brain power? Did you even dare imagine that frequently active kids are more engaged and put in a better academic performance when compared to their sedentary contemporaries?

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Using PE to promote a positive body image

Reading time: 3 minutes

Lack of confidence and poor body image in girls as young as seven is driving them to give up sport, but what can be done to solve the problem and how can we use PE to promote a positive body image?

A lack of self-confidence is one of the biggest barriers to girls participating in sport, and one of the most problematic manifestations of this is poor body image. At a time when both obesity and eating disorders among young girls are at their highest, addressing this is of utmost importance.

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A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about doing sport at prescribed times

Reading time: 2 minutes

In part one of this series we looked at how the majority of UK children don’t get the government-recommended minimum of 60 minutes’ moderate exercise per day, and ways to address this.

The activities suggested can be categorised as four main types: everyday activities; getting out in nature; organised sports; and active play.

Here we’ll consider each in a bit more detail.

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Perception, confidence, body image, and teaching methods can all act as barriers to girls participating in sport

Reading time: 2 minutes

The factors given previously – and others – combine to give girls the impression that sport is not for them. Unlike boys, for whom excelling at sport is a good thing, girls are put off physical activity because they don’t want to be seen as unfeminine.

This is compounded by the media, which often portrays successful female athletes as masculine. Another participant in the BioMed Research International study stated: “Sport is seen as a manly thing to do…they [the media] don’t see it as a girly thing.”

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What barriers to participation prevent girls taking part in sports?

Reading time: 3 minutes

In the first part of this series on Breaking Down the Barriers to Girls’ Participation in Sport we looked at how the majority of girls don’t get the weekly recommended minimum amount of exercise.

In this second instalment, we identify the barriers to participating in physical activity that girls experience. So, why aren’t more girls taking part in sports?

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Recovering from sports injuries

Reading time: 2 minutes

Sports injuries do happen. Most of the time this isn’t a problem and kids especially bounce back quickly and easily. Sometimes, however, it can be more serious, resulting in an extended absence from sport and even school.

Enforced periods of inactivity are frustrating for any youngster, but particularly for those who are used to taking part in sport. An injured student may well turn to you for advice and support.

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The Importance of Physical Literacy in the New National Curriculum

Reading time: 3 minutes

As a physical education teacher, it is paramount that the physical literacy quest has been at least introduced, if not ‘drummed into’ a child’s education from the start, as it is not a scheme of work or highlighted part of the curriculum.

The most effective way of achieving these goals is by actively emphasising the importance of physical literacy, rather than remaining an unseen objective.

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