Lesson Plans
Swimming Lesson Plan – Front Crawl
Reading time: < 1 minute
This KS3 swimming lesson plan will help you coach front crawl and teach your students the importance of timing when using this stroke.
Read MoreVolleyball Lesson Plan – Single Block
Reading time: < 1 minute
This volleyball lesson plan will help you coach individual blocking skills at KS3 level.
Read MoreCricket Lesson Plan – Pull Shot
Reading time: < 1 minute
This cricket lesson plan focuses on the pull shot– including understanding how this shot is played; what types of delivery are appropriate for the pull shot; what movements have to be made to perform the pull shot with accuracy.
Read MoreHockey Lesson Plan – Short Corners
Reading time: < 1 minute
This hockey lesson plan will help you coach short corners and teach your students how to confidently perform a variety of short corner strategies.
Read MoreFootball Lesson Plan – Defending Skills
Reading time: < 1 minute
This football lesson plan will help you coach defending skills at KS4 level.
Read MoreRugby Union Lesson Plan – Scrummaging
Reading time: < 1 minute
This Rugby Union lesson plan focuses on scrummaging – including understanding the different front row positions within the scrum, feeding the scrum, the infringements that lead to scrums, and binding in the scrum.
Read MoreNetball Lesson Plan – Passing & Receiving on the Move
Reading time: < 1 minute
This netball lesson plan will help you coach pivots and stops when passing, receiving, and moving forward, back and to the sides. It also offers advice on the rules of free and penalty passing.
Read MoreAlthletics Lesson Plan – Basic Sprint Starts
Reading time: < 1 minute
This athletics lesson plan looks at how to coach basic sprint starts – including teaching points, creativity resilience and tactics, assessment and evaluation of performance, and links to theoretical PE aspects.
Read MoreRock-It-Ball Lesson Plan – Passing and Receiving
Reading time: < 1 minute
This Rock-It-Ball lesson plan focuses on coaching passing and receiving skills – including teaching points, assessment and evaluation of performance, and cross-curricular links to maths, English and science.
Read MoreRugby League Lesson Plan – Grubber, Bomb and Drop Kicks
Reading time: < 1 minute
Kicking the ball from hand is an integral part of Rugby League. There are a number of situations where kicking can be the appropriate action – for example, to gain territorial advantage, push back the defensive line on the last tackle, and score points.
This lesson plan focuses on coaching grubber, bomb and drop kicks.
Read MoreVolleyball Lesson Plan – The Tip
Reading time: < 1 minute
This volleyball lesson plan explains how to coach and perform the tip shot – including objectives, teaching points and assessment.
Read MoreBadminton Lesson Plan – Overhead Clear
Reading time: < 1 minute
This badminton lesson plan explains how to perform the overhead clear shot in a rally – including objectives, teaching points and evaluation.
Read MoreTrampolining lesson plan – seat landing and swivel hips
Reading time: < 1 minute
This trampolining lesson plan explains how to coach the seat landing and swivel hips techniques – including objectives, teaching points and assessment.
Read MoreNetball lesson plan – step and shoot
Reading time: < 1 minute
This netball lesson plan covers the step and shoot technique, including objectives, teaching points and performance evaluation.
- how and when to perform the step and shoot technique.
- developing the skills to use when shooting with steps.
- whole-body skills and fine manipulation skills when performing the shot.
Tennis Lesson Plan – Advanced Forehand and Backhand Volley
Reading time: < 1 minute
Covering the more advanced aspects of forehand and backhand volleys, this tennis lesson plan focuses on:
- moving to the net following a well-placed volley.
- the use of angles, slice and spin to create variety in ball movement and direction.
- how to make adjustments and adaptations when performing volleys under testing conditions.
Basketball Lesson Plan – Hook Shot
Reading time: < 1 minute
This basketball lesson plan focuses on the hook shot and how to:
- confidently and accurately perform a hook shot.
- critically evaluate how good a hook shot is, how it has been achieved, and finding ways to improve it.
- outwit opponents with a hook shot.
Rounders Lesson Plan – Post Work
Reading time: < 1 minute
This rounders lesson plan focuses on post work and specifically how to:
- catch each delivery and stump the post correctly.
- outwit opponents when fielding and when at the posts.
- confidently perform, at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, distance, strength or accuracy when fielding and at the posts.
OAA – Aiming Off
Reading time: < 1 minute
This OAA problem solving lesson plan focuses on aiming off, developing knowledge and understanding of why it is important in orienteering.
By the end of the lesson, your pupils should be able to perform the skill of aiming off, selecting and using a range of tactics and strategies in order to overcome any challenge
Read MoreGymnastics – Group Sequence
Reading time: < 1 minute
The objective of this lesson plan is for pupils to work in groups to create a gymnastics sequence lasting between 1 and 1.5 minutes.
This should enable pupils to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses, along with the strengths and weaknesses of other members of the group, and take these into account when creating their sequence.
Read MoreSoftball – Games
Reading time: < 1 minute
This softball lesson aims to develop your pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the correct responses for the different situations that arise in a game.
Pupils should then be able to use this knowledge to develop their skills and play a game according to the laws of softball.
Read MoreSoftball Lesson Plan – Base Running
Reading time: < 1 minute
This softball lesson plan covers base running, developing pupils’ understanding of the laws governing running between bases, stealing and tagging.
The importance of communication with team mates should be emphasised throughout this lesson
Read MoreBadminton Lesson Plan – Attacking Skills
Reading time: < 1 minute
With the Badminton All England Championships taking place in Birmingham March 3rd-8th, this lesson plan looks to develop your pupils’ attacking skills.
The Back Hand Drive is the focus of this lesson with grip, footwork and body position being covered.
Read MoreTag Rugby Lesson Plan – Passing
Reading time: < 1 minute
Tag rugby is a perfect inclusive sport, making a great introduction to rugby for all ages and abilities.
This lesson plan looks at passing with the objective of gaining understanding of the rules and laws regarding passing and catching the ball in this non-contact sport.
Read MoreHealth Related Exercise – MST
Reading time: < 1 minute
The objective of this lesson plan is for your pupils to understand the pros and cons of the Multi-Stage Fitness Test (MST).
This is perfect for developing your pupils’ knowledge and understanding, ensuring they are aware of the type of fitness the MST measures.
Read MoreCricket Lesson Plan – Retrieving Fast Moving Balls
Reading time: < 1 minute
With the cricket test matches starting this week, engage your pupils with this fielding lesson plan.
This lesson will develop your pupils’ skills in being able to retrieve a fast moving ball to gain ascendancy over the batting team, along with performing an accurate pick up and throw on the move.
Read MoreAthletics Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
With the Glasgow International Match taking place on Saturday 24 January, this athletics lesson plan provides a perfect introduction to the basic sprint start.
Lesson Plan Objectives:
Read MoreSoftball – Games
Reading time: < 1 minute
The objective of this lesson is to understand the correct responses for different situations, tactics and strategies in a game of softball.
You can use this lesson plan as a starting point to encourage discussion about the skills used to gain ascendancy over an opponent.
Read MoreBadminton – Peer Performance
Reading time: < 1 minute
Peer performance observation and coaching others for partner work is the subject for this badminton lesson plan.
Pupils should be able to identify the faults and weaknesses of their own technique and the technique of others, and provide feedback on how to improve performance.
Read MoreSwimming – Water Familiarisation
Reading time: < 1 minute
This swimming lesson plan focuses on teaching the correct methods of getting in and out of the pool safely along with being able to use a variety of swimming techniques.
Getting familiar with the water is key for this lesson plan, including discussion of the dangers, signs and safety.
Read MoreNetball Lesson Plan – Passing and Receiving
Reading time: < 1 minute
Passing and receiving are covered in this netball lesson plan, serving to improve your students’ decision making, knowledge and understanding of the different types of passing used in netball.
This should be followed up by discussion of the pros and cons of each pass.
Read MoreGymnastics Lesson Plan – Headspring Vault
Reading time: < 1 minute
The objective of this gymnastics lesson plan is for your pupils to be able to accurately replicate a headspring vault, including safe take-off and landing.
Pupils should be encouraged to devise and use criteria to analyse accurate replication effectively.
Read MoreBadminton Lesson Plan – Singles
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson plan focuses on creating power and fluency in attack and defensive shots in a singles game of badminton.
Your pupils should also be able to anticipate the shot their opponent is going to play in order to be ready to cover that area of the court.
Read MoreHockey Lesson Plan – Tackling
Reading time: < 1 minute
The objective of this tackling lesson is for pupils to be able to perform the block tackle effectively in a game of hockey.
This should also develop knowledge and understanding of the rules of hockey.
Read MoreSwimming Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
This swimming lesson plan enables your pupils to accurately replicate the basic front crawl.
Pupils can demonstrate their understanding of the benefits of using more strength and speed when replicating the kicks and pulls to assist propulsion.
Read MoreCricket – Fielding
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson plan is for the one-handed retrieval in cricket.
This fielding lesson should develop your pupils’ ability to perform the one-handed retrieval and to understand why this method is used in cricket.
Read MoreBasketball Lesson Plan – Shooting
Reading time: < 1 minute
Accurate replication of the set shot is the goal of this basketball lesson plan.
This serves to develop your pupils’ understanding of when and why different shots are used in a game of basketball.
Read MoreAthletics Lesson Plan – Running
Reading time: < 1 minute
The objective of this running lesson plan is to be able to begin a sprint race using the semi-crouched start.
Your pupils should understand how techniques can be used to gain advantage over competitors.
Read MoreFootball Lesson Plan – Core Skills
Reading time: < 1 minute
This introductory football lesson covers the basic core skills necessary to understand the laws of football and to put this knowledge into practice through small sided games.
Read MoreAthletics Lesson Plan – Triple Jump
Reading time: < 1 minute
The focus of this Athletics lesson plan is to accurately replicate a basic though technically correct triple jump from a standing start.
Read MoreCricket Lesson Plan – Batting
Reading time: < 1 minute
This Cricket lesson focuses on batting, with great discussion points to encourage your pupils to identify strengths and weaknesses in batting and fielding.
Read MoreRounders Lesson Plan – Catching
Reading time: < 1 minute
The aim of this Rounders lesson plan is to understand the importance of successful catching. Teaching points for this lesson plan include catching, close catching and catching a high ball.
Read MoreBadminton Lesson Plan – Serving
Reading time: < 1 minute
This plan on serving should develop the ability to perform a forehand and backhand serve.
The range of service skills, tactics and approaches taught should be transferred to gain ascendency in practices and games.
Read MoreFootball Lesson Plan – Defending and Formations
Reading time: < 1 minute
The objectives of this lesson plan include learning the different tactics within the game and developing an understanding of the benefits and effects of each formation, both in attack and defence.
Read MoreNetball Lesson Plan – Attacking Skills
Reading time: < 1 minute
Attacking skills are the focus of this Netball lesson plan.
This includes an understanding of the positions on court and their tactical roles in attacking and defending.
Read MoreGymnastics Lesson Plan – Rolls
Reading time: < 1 minute
The objective of this lesson is for your students to be able to accurately replicate and perform a technically correct forward, log and circle roll.
Read MoreRounders Lesson Plan – Backward Hit
Reading time: < 1 minute
This batting lesson focuses on the backward hit.
The lesson should help develop your pupils’ knowledge of the different tactics used in rounders.
Read MoreFootball Lesson Plan – Passing
Reading time: < 1 minute
This passing and receiving lesson develops strategies to gain and keep possession of the ball.
Read MoreTennis Lesson Plan – Forehand Groundstroke
Reading time: < 1 minute
By the end of this lesson your pupils should be able to replicate a fundamental shot in tennis: the forehand groundstroke.
The session is designed to enhance and develop the pupils’ physical strength, speed and flexibility of the forehand stroke whilst stationary and on the move.
Read MoreHockey Lesson Plan – Push Pass
Reading time: < 1 minute
The push pass is the focus of this lesson.
Passing and receiving will be put into practice with peer evaluation sessions so that your pupils can identify the strengths and weaknesses of passing and performance.
Read MoreDance Lesson Plan – Dynamic Movement
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson plan covers dynamic actions, movements and motifs.
The key objective is to encourage your pupils to define and demonstrate the use of dynamics in performance.
Read MoreCricket Lesson Plan – Throwing & Catching
Reading time: < 1 minute
This is a throwing and catching lesson plan so that your pupils can learn to perform underarm and overarm throws and discuss various tactics to outwit batsmen and gain advantages when fielding.
Read MoreTag Rugby Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
This tag rugby lesson focusses on passing, specifically the ability to replicate, perform and catch the lateral pass. This lesson will also promote the understanding of laws on passing and catching the ball.
Read MoreFootball Lesson Plan – Defensive Strategies
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson plan covers defensive strategies, ensuring your pupils’ knowledge and understanding of each formation’s advantages and disadvantages and using this understanding in a full-sided game.
Encourage students to reflect upon their performance, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and discuss the different defensive strategies in other team sports.
Read MoreFootball Lesson Plan – Tackling
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson plan aims to educate your students about the block tackle, including when it should be used and how it should be performed.
Encourage students to reflect upon their performance, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and writing down ideas that would enhance their performance.
Read MoreNetball Footwork Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson focuses on the rule of footwork in Netball when passing and moving.
Encourage your students to discuss the pros and cons of each pass.
Read MoreVolleyball Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson involves preparation to play a basic volley and execute a technically correct set shot.
Read MoreCricket Lesson Plan – Batting
Reading time: < 1 minute
Since so many of England’s cricketers have contrived to get themselves out in the last two tests, we thought it would be a good idea to give the next generation of cricketers a free lesson on hitting the ball straight!
Read MoreRugby League Competitive Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson provides ideas for implementing a Rugby League competitive lesson, developing pupils’ knowledge about how to play the ball (PTB).
This competitive lesson plan is designed to incorporate skills such as outwitting opponents and using a variety of restarts in order to play a small sided game of Rugby League.
Read MoreBasketball Competitive Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson focuses on moving with the ball and outwitting opponents in a competitive game. This lesson plan also aims to develop skills and knowledge so that pupils understand the role of each player and are able to play Basketball in a competitive environment.
Encourage your pupils to devise their own plans and strategies to gain ascendancy over the opposing team.
Read MoreNetball Competitive Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
This lesson focuses on pivoting, using correct footwork when passing the ball, the chest pass and bounce pass. These activities are ideal for working in pairs and in small teams.
This plan also includes ideas for adapting each activity for different ability levels.
Read MoreCircuit Training Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
Fitness is key for most sports (snooker and darts being two notable exceptions!) and understanding how fitness can not only make you a better sportsperson but also improve your health and mental well-being is an essential part of modern PE lessons.
This circuit training lesson plan is designed to develop physical strength, stamina, speed and flexibility.
Read MoreRugby Union Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
This is a lesson plan for rugby union scrums. In it we practice binding at the scrums and explain and understand the roles of each of the front row positions.
Set up games that start from the scrum and award points for hooking the ball cleanly, strong binding and winning the ball against the head.
Read MoreNetball Lesson Plan
Reading time: < 1 minute
Here’s a lesson plan that will give your pupils skills training in two- and one-handed shooting in netball.
The structure is simple with a warm up and down as well as practising shooting with one or both hands to gain proficiency.
Use games with smaller teams to focus on shooting and rebounding and practice not only the physical skills but also the understanding of tactics and strategies.
Read MoreBaseline Test – Tricep Dips 30secs
Reading time: < 1 minute
Split your class into pairs for this test so that they can get used to monitoring each other’s results.
Make sure that the student recording the number of dips understands that backs must be straight and arms must
The test will give a baseline measure of the students’ upper body strength and stamina.
Read MoreBaseline Test – Power: Seated Throw
Reading time: < 1 minute
As with all baseline tests, the essence of this test is simplicity. All you need is a ball, tape measure and some marker cones.
Read MoreBaseline Test – Power: Two-footed Jump
Reading time: < 1 minute
This test is to create a baseline measurement for each pupil’s lower body strength and balance. It’s important to remember that there must be no stopping between jumps…although some wobbling might promote some good-natured mocking from the other pupils!
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