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Physical education (PE) can be very daunting for many children and some struggle to engage with lessons and regular exercise. How can we encourage children to become more involved in PE and create a positive and supportive learning environment where all can thrive?

In this blog, we’ll take a look at some strategies you can implement to create that perfect learning environment for your students.

1. Celebrate everyone’s strengths and progress

Forget the one-size-fits-all approach! Recognise that students have different abilities and learning styles. Celebrate individual strengths and progress, not just the star athlete.

  • Offer differentiated activities and provide variations of exercises to cater to different fitness levels and skill sets.
  • Use positive reinforcement to focus on effort and improvement, not perfection. Offer encouraging words and high fives for trying new things.
  • Highlight individual achievements and recognise students who master a new skill or overcome a challenge.

2. Make it fun, positive and engaging

PE shouldn’t feel like a chore. Inject fun and excitement into your lessons to keep students motivated and engaged.

  • Get creative with activities and go beyond the traditional drills and exercises. Try new games, sports, or activities that cater to different interests.
  • Incorporate music and technology. Use upbeat music or educational apps to add an extra layer of engagement.
  • Offer choices by giving students some say in the activities they do. This can boost their enthusiasm and ownership of their learning.

3. Foster a safe and inclusive space

Every student deserves to feel safe and respected in your PE class. Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable participating, regardless of their abilities or background. Make sure to set clear expectations for behaviour and respect for a more inclusive environment.

  • Be mindful of language and do not use any vulgar or discriminatory language that could be absorbed by your students.
  • Accommodate individual needs and work with students with disabilities or limitations to ensure they can participate in their own way.
  • Celebrate diversity, and recognise and appreciate your students’ unique backgrounds and experiences.

4. Use online resources

Online resources, like the PE Office, can offer value and new innovative methods of teaching PE to generate interest and engagement with your students.

  • Download engaging lesson plans and schemes of work that intrigue your students.
  • Show your students elite performers completing skills and their strengths and weaknesses to build confidence.
  • Promote collaboration by allowing students to design their own games or activities.

Take a look at the resources on PE Office and how they could assist you in creating a positive and supportive learning environment for your PE lessons.